
Why Does my Light Bulb Explode in the Socket While On?

Burning out light bulbs frequently occurs when least expected. After a hard day, you can be relaxing in a room when, all of a sudden, it is dark. Burnt-out light bulbs, while an irritating inconven...

What`s fused dimmer switch?

Dimmer switches are usually used to regulate the light output of light bulbs. The function of a fuse is to protect the wiring in a circuit. When something goes wrong in the electrical current, such as...

Know the lava lamp dangers

Do you like lava lamps? They can be fun to watch, with their blobs of wax floating up and down in the colorful liquid. But did you know that lava lamps (though being very safe) may sometimes be danger...

Can light cause the plastic to melt?

Your LED light might be to blame for that soft, melty spot on your plastic water bottle. Anything else you can think of? Can light cause the plastic to melt? The sun is the ultimate source o...

Outdoor Light GFCI - Do You Need It?

Every time you go to the garden in the evening or want to find something in the garage before the morning going to work, you turn on the light. You do not think about how this electric current comes t...

Can LED lights catch on fire?

LED lights are becoming more and more popular, but are they safe? Some people are concerned that LED lights might be a fire hazard. There's been a lot of talks lately about the potential dangers o...

Touching light - is it safe?

When you touch a light, you're actually touching electricity. And while that might not sound dangerous, it can be. Electricity is powerful stuff, and if you're not careful it can give you a na...

Light bulbs that spy on you

Ordinary and smart light bulbs are becoming increasingly popular. Many people don't realize that these seemingly innocuous devices can be used to spy on them. However, there is a distinction to be...

Can LED lights explode?

Although most LEDs will degrade with time, catastrophic failure can and does occur. So, what exactly does it imply when we say that LEDs are prone to exploding? Is an LED bulb more likely to explode t...

Is it safe leaving lights on?

When you leave lights in your house or business on, you use energy. This means that you will be putting a strain on the power grid and raising your energy bill. However, there are times when it is oka...

Are broken LED bulbs safe for you?

What if your LED bulb is broken? What are the risks? This question is asked by many because it's easy to break an LED light bulb. Breaking an LED bulb can happen by accident, meaning you could hav...

Is it safe to leave a light bulb socket empty?

When your bulb has burnt out and you need to replace it, many people will often take the bulb out of the socket if they don't have a spare. This is because there are fears that leaving a light bul...

Is LED light harmful for dogs?

How does LED light affect animals? Many people are using LED lights for their pets because they save money and do not require much electricity. This article will discuss how many types of lights af...

Can LED lights catch on fire?

LED lights are known for being incredibly energy-efficient and long-lasting. However, LED also can catch on fire if not installed or used correctly. Here are a few things to keep in mind when using LE...

How long can LED lights stay on?

LED lights have quickly become one of the most popular types of lights because they are very efficient and last a long time. In fact, many LED lights have a lifespan of 50,000 to 100,000 hours. Howeve...